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Thursday, July 03, 2008


Over the past 4 days since my last post I have been thinking even more on what I really want to achieve with my setup.

The most important out of everything seems to be building myself a new PC, as most of my friends know, my current main PC is a ye ole AMD 1.8Ghz setup with 1GB Ram and in todays IT world that really does seem old. Especially when dual core and quad core systems are already on the market along with even faster setups on the way.

Besides the fact the hardware is old there are now other things that are showing up more and more each day. To start off my bluetooth adapter stopped working and took 2 days just to find the right software to install it again. Follow that by the fact the TV card which is installed doesn't have the right drivers or software and adding the correct ones doesn't seem to bring it to life.

Add on to all of that with hard drive failures. My main NAS (Network Attached Storage) unit decided to give up nearly a month ago and I still havn't got the cash to buy a large enough hard drive to try and recover the information. Then add on the fact that 3 of my 500GB hard drives are simply just not being recognised any more.

Nightmare already? Well that's just the hardware, let's move to the OS woes. To start Internet Explorer now crashes when you try to close it, various software isn't doing as it should and on top of all that is the fact that one of my laptop's just wont stay on WiFi.

So as you can tell I have a lot of things to really look into and try and get done. And with no cash rolling in, well it will be near on impossible.

More updates soon.

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