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Monday, June 30, 2008

Lack Of Updates And Things To Come

One of the big problems I have had over the past few months is time. I never seem to have enough and now this site became unused again.

So yet again I plan to liven things up a little and attempt to add content not only here but elsewhere on the internet.

Not only do I plan to add content but I also plan on linking more of my sites up. The links will include near enough every single site I am on or own and each link will be identified as such.

So whats in the pipeline?
Good question, every single site I own will be undergoing a brand new design and feel possibly using the typo3 site management system. However I still need to get the hang of it before I try and use it. So in the pipeline I have the main goal of ease of access. Not only for the everyday PC but also for many other devices on the internet. This is going to be the most complex part as every single connection attempt to the site will need to be sorted by the browser/platform in use.

Another one of my plans is making use of information browsers send to the website. These often include Browser, Operating System, Screen Resolution, IP and others.
That information could be used as the pages are requested giving the exact page needed for that particular user.

There will also be text only versions of every single page so that people on dial-up, screen reader users, low end platforms, etc get to see all the content.

How long will it take?
Again thats another good question, but this time it's a harder one to answer. Why? I hear you ask. The reason is simple, I wouldn't class myself as an expert web designer nor would I class myself as a beginner. I am more or less a novice knowing lots of information but only bits in each part. For example I am good with standard HTML but not all that good with XHTML Strict. I know a few tips and tricks on PHP, but not enough to build a forum for scratch.

So the time it will take will change and I will post more here as things move forward.

Got any comments or questions? Just post a comment here and I will reply.