Yup it's more or less midnight right now and as I mentioned yesterday I am taking the pass plus driving course, only it's changed day, it's now this Sunday. So expect an update Sunday evening on what it entailed and how I got on.
After yesterday's post I decided to look into how I will work on my sites along with moving other things forward. As mentioned before I have a whole host of features to bring in. But the real problem there is making use of existing systems, most of which are way too complex for me and most either don't do what I want, or do too much.
You only need to look back at the July 3rd post to see how much of a nightmare it would be to use existing systems.
Here is that list again -
- phpList (Email Newsletter)
- Wordpress (Blogging System)
- Customer Area (Yet to be sorted)
- osTicket (Support Ticketing System)
- Web Hosting Ordering System (Made but needs linking)
- Paypal integration
- Invoicing system
- and more
Now with PHP and MySQL in mind think about the easy way of getting these to work in a nice and professional way.
Nope not stick it together and hope for the best. But build my own from the ground up.
There are multiple reasons why building my own would be better, for one if there is a problem I will know where it is and (more importantly) how to fix it.
But those are not the only reasons, there are others, like licensing, copyright, branding, etc. And by making my own I can set my own rules.
That also got me thinking about typo3 again. (I think I mentioned it before)
But just incase I havn't, it's a backend control system that allows certain people to edit certain parts. And currently it's too advanced for what is needed. But it sure as hell is an option for the future.
So that brought me back to earth with a bump, lack of coding knowledge means most of these systems won't be any good for me right now. But right now I need to update the sites and get thing's on the move.
With that lack of knowledge in mind I decided to go dig around in my junk room (as mentioned before it has all sorts of stuff)
The best find in the room is web coding books covering all kinds of topics, here is a few.
- PHP5
- MySQL in 21 Days
- Mastering Tomcat Development
- PHP Programming For Windows
- And more
So that's it for now. More updates soon!
(BTW - It's taken me just over 15 minutes to type this post)
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